I used to do this a while back in my blogging days when I posted monthly recaps of our lives but stopped doing it. Recently, I got the itch to do this again, and I'm not sure why. I think we are so easily trapped in the vicious cycle of repetitiveness and busyness of our lives - I know I feel that way quite often. Working in higher ed admissions for almost a decade made me feel like every day felt the same, and then I entered the stay-at-home life which felt even truer than before.
I don't know what I'm trying to get out of this post - maybe a sense of appreciation for the life I have? Maybe my life is more than taking care of kids/dogs, cooking, cleaning (and cue, infinite repeat), laundry, managing everyone's appointments, upkeeping the house (including dealing with contractors), and being a (mental and physical) stability for the whole family? Woah, this post did not mean to take a dark depressing tone.
Anyway, I wanted to practice my monthly recaps because I think it's helpful to take a moment and appreciate all the (big and little) events in life even if it didn't feel any more special at that moment.
Indoor playground - It is so fun to watch both girls playing with each other. Zaylee is getting old and strong enough to be able to handle Zoe's stamina.
Fashion show - Halmi (aka my mom) regularly sends packages with pretty clothes for the girls to wear. Zoe is obsessed with long dresses which Halmi totally caters to that. Zoe picks out her outfit every single day.
Playground - We have been hitting up playgrounds after Zoe's school quite often to take advantage of the pleasant spring weather. Texas summer is brutal so we are enjoying this short season very much.
New bedtime milk - We've been taking our bedtime milk time outside more lately. I found it to be a great way to get the girls to wind down. Our wagon is Larktale Caravan Coupe (first version).
Ballet - Zoe started taking ballet class since January and is eating. it. up.
Library time - Local libraries have some phenomenal activities/programs for kids in all ranges, all for free! We make it to the toddler reading time whenever we can. Zaylee is also starting to show more interest in books.
Zaylee, all of a sudden, looks like a big girl, and I'm NOT ok. She has a fond appreciation for her sister's purses, and she has no problem whipping them out when it's time to go outside.
Sometimes, Zoe asks that she sit in a high chair (somehow, she still fits...that petite 4 year old) and right next to Zaylee. This gives me a little bit of downtime and a rush to finish making dinner because they entertain each other.
Zoe in a nutshell. She is all about princesses, pretty dresses, and weddings (?!?!?). I showed her videos of royal weddings, which she became obsessed with. After seeing the videos, she quickly created her own look and made Daddy her prince charming.