I should be joyous that it’s the first day of October (my favorite month, not because it’s my birthday month), but today has been a frustrating day.
I am tired of mass shootings, animal abuse, hatred, indifference, stupidity , ignorance….all of these that I see and hear too often. And then, sometimes I turn on a movie and there is more of those on repeat. I think it’s a good night to let my husband sleep and cuddle with our sweet and innocent dogs.
Work was very frustrating today. I felt like being a woman and detail-oriented were two bad combintion to have or something. Why is being simple and “seeing the big picture” considered such a high quality leadership. What is wrong about questioning the details and challenging them for investigation and change? No matter what I did today, I felt like my opinion was dismissed in every angle.
At least tomorrow is Friday and a new day. I do look forward to a quiet weekend, focused on my emotional well-being (while Z works all weekend again…sigh). The crisper weather has been very welcoming.
Good night, Wonjee