How is that the time is flying by this fast?! Baby Zoe is way past 3 months (actually, turning 4 months soon lol), and I’m about to sob with happiness and sadness at the same time. Watching her grow healthy and happy every day brings me so much joy, but I have to be honest that part of me cries because she is growing up so fast – time, sloooooow down!! Of course, I will be spamming with some photos out of the thousands that I already took so far (thank you, Google Photos and your unlimited storage). I just can’t believe how fast she is changing/growing before my eyes. I realized that I have not kept up with blogging in a while (hello, motherhood), but I want to at least document her monthly updates as much as I can. Here is my catch-up month by month!
1 month – July 4th 1 month was the typical newborn stuff. We loved, LOVED snuggling with our little nugget and we knew that’s all she wanted as well (besides pooping and eating of course). Even when it felt like she was sleeping 20+ hours, we knew right away that she has a sweet soul. The most obvious things we learned during this month were her hate for being swaddled and love of drinking her bottles. 🙂
Likes: car rides, being held by someone 24/7, keeping mama awake at night, dada’s made-up lullabies, and eating.
Dislikes or “Meh”: bath time (more like hated it), getting into the car seat, being swaddled (this was awful), changing clothes, not being fed on time, and dirty diapers.
2 months – August 4
1->2 months was when my mom and brother left after helping us for 7 weeks since Zoe was born. What I thought would be the hardest month due to solo parenting turned out to be a really fun month. To this day, I cherish those 4 weeks we spent together exclusively during the day (even if she won’t remember) because I got to know that sweet little soul so much.
Likes: eating, sleeping, pooping (and looking super satisfied afterward), changing diapers, ceiling fan, smiling at mama & dada, cooing, dancing with mama, car rides, maybe bath.
Dislikes or “meh”: dirty diapers, changing clothes, sitting still, staying in the car seat too long
3 months – September 4
2->3 months was full of exciting changes and developments. Her personality was starting to show a little more each day. Each day, we got a little bit more coo, a little more smile, and a little more kick! This baby girl loves to kick and stretch!
Likes: eating, cooing, humming with grandma, blowing bubbles, diaper change, reading books with grandma, sitting up, tummy time, bath time (for the most part), and going out.
Dislikes or “meh”: not being fed on time and/or not getting more milk. I’m simply amazed at how quickly she is growing and changing each day. There have definitely been some difficult days, but I really wouldn’t trade for anything. We LOVE you, Zoe!!