Stark (almost) made this morning a nightmare. I thought I lost Stark.
This is how it went. I woke up really early to feed the dogs (interpretation: they woke me up super early), let them out for their business, brought them back in, and I took a power nap for 30 more minutes on the couch before getting ready for work. Woke up, took a shower and soon realized that Stark was nowhere to be found.
I’ve called for his name several times loudly in the house…no sound. At this point, I am thinking that he might be still outside (fyi, I’ve been running on little sleep these days, so I was still acting a little delirious and memory of what happened was somewhat unclear). Still, nothing. I am hoping that Lilly might know where he is so I ask her, and she just acts like she has never heard or seen of Stark in her life.
At that point, despite what really happened, I convinced myself that he was never let back into the house, he got curious with the nature, and escaped the yard entirely.
Panic ensued… I called Z to let him know what was happening and drove around the neighborhood for 10 minutes in hope to find him. In the meantime, I tell the neighbors that my dog has gone missing and posted his picture on our subdivision Facebook page.
I drove back to the house thinking that this is it…I have lost a dog. When the garage door opened, I heard Lilly’s bark hut also heard what sounded like Stark whimpering. I quickly got back inside the house searching for that sound, and then I heard again. Guess what? He was at home this entire time… stick under a recliner.
I had checked everywhere in the house, including under the couch since he has a history of getting stuck there, but I had never bothered to look under the recliner. He was there…stuck….unable to get out. Lilly, finally acted like she knew what I was searching for. I am convinced that she wanted Stark to disappear forever (they have a love and hate relationship).
It was the wildest hour of my life. I would have been completely heartbroken if he was indeed gone. Moral of the story:
1. Get enough sleep so you’re not convincing yourself that something happened when it didn’t.
2. If you have a tiny dog, search EVERYWHERE.
3. If your dog is not the smartest, he will bark all the time when he’s not supposed to, and never bark or make a noise when you actually need him to
So happy that I didn’t actually lose him. The picture shown is the shame picture of them I took this morning (Lilly – for acting like Stark didn’t exist. Stark – for getting under places he can’t get out).