Zoe, the girl who made me a "mom" turned 5 this week. And it turns out, I'm not ready for her to grow up. That sentiment was, of course, an every-birthday thing, but it felt exceptionally more this time. Entering age 5 just feels way different than the last 4 years - it's like a second edition of "My Life as Zoe.". Is it because she'll start kindergarten this August? Something about her officially starting school this fall gives me a pull from the little kid world to the big kid world. My gosh...she's growing up.
Zoe - my little fashionista, creative, highly spirited/opinionated/determined, future debater, little dolphin, affectionate, and sweet child is FIVE.
Her birthday fell on a workday so we threw a pool party and invited her pre-k and family friends last Saturday. She requested the party theme to be Princess Peach from Super Mario Bros after watching the movie several times and taking on a new activity of playing Mario Kart with Daddy.

Her cake was made by, none other than, Andrea from Sugar and Spice, who had made all the important milestone cakes for us since moving to Arlington almost 3 years ago. She is amazingly talented and creative by piecing together the millions of inspirational photos I fire in her direction.

Have I mentioned that we built a pool in our backyard - well, tada! Our backyard is still somewhat evolving, but I can't wait to share the transformation once it's all done (more on that later).

On the actual birthday, Zaylee and I delivered cupcakes to her school and had a small celebration during lunchtime. I loved watching her beaming with a smile and joyously celebrating with her friends and beloved teacher

Also, thank you to all the aunties (my girlfriends = aunties) for sending video messages!
Dear Zoe, may you always be happy, confident, and healthy! You will always be loved and supported as you embark on your new journey as a school-aged kid! Thank you for being an amazing daughter, big sister, granddaughter, and friend. We love you so much, and have a wonderful year being a 5-year-old!